Chair: Sarah Ing
Members: Margaret Snowdon OBE, Aisling Kennedy, Imogen Joss and Martin Sutherland
The role of the Audit & Risk Committee is to assist the Board in discharging its oversight responsibilities by reviewing and monitoring the following: the integrity of the financial information provided to shareholders; the effectiveness of the Company’s system of internal controls and risk management; the external audit process and auditors; and the processes for compliance with laws, regulations and ethical codes of practice.
Chair: Imogen Joss
Members: Alan Bannatyne, Sarah Ing, Aisling Kennedy, Margaret Snowdon OBE and Martin Sutherland
The role of the Remuneration Committee is to assist the Board to fulfil its responsibility to shareholders to ensure that remuneration policy and practices of the Company reward fairly and responsibly, with a clear link to corporate and individual performance, having regard to statutory and regulatory requirements.
Chair: Alan Bannatyne
Members: Margaret Snowdon OBE, Sarah Ing and Aisling Kennedy
The role of the Nomination Committee is to undertake an annual review of succession planning and ensure that the membership, composition and diversity of the Board and its Committees, including the balance of skills, remain appropriate.
Chair: Aisling Kennedy
Members: Snehal Shah, Adrian Davison, Charlotte West, Alex Quant, Sarah Ing, and Imogen Joss.
The role of the Sustainability Committee is to improve practices, reporting and communication in relation to environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors that have a material impact on business strategy and performance and the long-term sustainability of the Group. The Committee has oversight of the views and interests of all key stakeholders of the Group, internal and external.